Dear Lions, Lionesses, and Leos:
The Directors of the Delaware Lions Foundation are proud to announce that the 25th Annual Delaware Lions Foundation Breakfast will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at the Modern Maturity Center in Dover. The breakfast will begin at 9:30 am. We will once again celebrate the success of our growing Foundation and honor the memory of two distinguished Lions, Past International Directors Ralph N. Helm and James A. McCarty. Both leaders loved this organization and provided outstanding guidance in its formative years. We will also be honoring PID Ted Reiver for his many years of service to the foundation.
You do not have to be a Ralph Helm Fellow or a Jim McCarty Fellow to enjoy the fellowship and delicious buffet breakfast. This breakfast is open to all who want to attend. Plan to have your Club represented.
If your club would like to present a Ralph Helm Fellowship or a Jim McCarty Fellowship at the breakfast, please notify our Foundation Secretary, PCS B.J. Ryder.
Clubs are also encouraged to present annual donations at this event.
To summarize:
25th Annual Delaware Lions Foundation Fellows Breakfast
Saturday, February 11, 2023 – 9:30 am
Rookery North, Milford DE 19963
Cost: $20 per person
R.S.V.P. DEADLINE is FEBRUARY 1, 2023 If you have any questions, call PDG Don at 302-798-3407 or PCS BJ at 302-284-9377